Upside | Rediscovering Color

An explosion of color, graphic design and brilliance: Upside expresses all the textural potential of porcelain stoneware, bringing together experimental inclinations, creative design language, and technical expertise all under one roof – Refin’s. 

Upside is an advanced reworking of the Beside collection designed by Massimiliano Adami in 2011: we have selected the most representative elements and translated them into an expanded, highly decorative offering of significant expressive impact, thanks to the work of our lab which interpreted the design of the original project by applying new technologies.

The research pathway led us to an innovative result which reinterprets Adami’s mosaic with a contemporary approach, also made possible by the production method which we have developed by combining industrial processes with an artisanal component: the result is a new edition which maintains the artistic matrix of the work and the defining style of the designer, enhancing and exploiting all the strength of his ideas.

  • 60x120 cm / 24”x48” R
  • 30x60 cm / 12”x24” R
  • 6,3x29 R